• Shall the Board of Directors of the Calamus-Wheatland Community School District in the Counties of Clinton and Scott, State of Iowa, be authorized to contract indebtedness and issue General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $7,885,000 to provide funds to construct a football/track athletic complex, acquire land, and improve the site; construct, furnish, and equip an addition to the High School Building and related remodeling; improve, remodel, and repair the High School Building, including safety/security measures and HVAC system; remodel and expand the lobby of the Activities Center; improve, remodel, furnish, and equip the kitchen/cafeteria space in the Elementary Building; improve the HVAC system in the Elementary building; and improve school sites?
Summary: To adopt a revenue purpose statement to authorize the expenditure of revenue from the State of Iowa Secure an Advanced Vision for Education Fund received by the Central Dewitt Community School District.
Revenue Purpose Statement:
• Revenue received by the Central DeWitt Community School District from the State of Iowa Secure an Advanced Vision for Education Fund may be spent for any one or more of the following purposes:
• To provide funds for property tax relief.
• To provide funds to acquire or install information technology infrastructure (including improving buildings or sites for the purpose of accessing broadband digital telecommunications) and school safety and security infrastructure.
• To provide funds to build and furnish a new school building or buildings; to build and furnish addition(s) to school buildings in the District; to remodel, reconstruct, repair, expand, and improve the school buildings in the District; to purchase and improve grounds; for demolition work; and to furnish and equip District facilities.
• To provide funds for the purchase, lease or lease-purchase of buildings, equipment (including transportation and recreation equipment) or technology and to repair transportation equipment for transporting students as authorized by law, to implement energy conservation measures, sharing or rental of facilities including a joint infrastructure project for the purposes of offering classes under a District-to-community college as authorized in Iowa Code section 423F.3(3)(c), procuring or acquisition of libraries or opening roads to schoolhouses or buildings.
• To provide funds to purchase land as part of start-up costs for new student construction program or if the sale of the previous student construction was insufficient to purchase land, and to purchase construction materials and supplies for a student-constructed building or shed intended to be retained by and used by the District.
• To provide funds to make payments to a municipality or other entity as required under Iowa Code section 403.19(2).
• To provide funds for demolition, cleanup, and other costs if such costs are necessitated by, and incurred within two years of, a disaster.
• To provide funds to establish and maintain public recreation places and playgrounds; provide for supervision and instruction for recreational activities or for community education purposes.
• To provide funds for the payment of principal and interest or retirement of general obligation bonds issued for school infrastructure purposes, energy improvement loans, loan agreements authorized by Iowa Code section 297.36, sales, service, and use tax revenue bonds issued under Iowa Code section 423E.5 or Iowa Code section 423F.4; and
• To provide funds for other authorized expenditures and purposes as now or hereafter permitted by law and designated by the Central DeWitt Community School District.
• It being understood that if this proposition should fail to be approved by the voters, such failure shall not be construed to terminate or restrict authority previously granted by the voters to expend receipts from the Secure an Advanced Vision for Education Fund.
• If adopted, this revenue purpose statement shall remain in effect until replaced or amended by the Central DeWitt Community School District.
• Shall the Board of Directors of the Central DeWitt Community School District in the County of Clinton, State of Iowa, be authorized for a period of ten (10) years, to levy annually, as determined by the Board, a voter-approved physical plant and equipment property tax not to exceed one dollar and thirty-four cents ($1.34) per one thousand dollars ($1,000) of the assessed valuation of the taxable property within the school district commencing with the levy for collection in the fiscal year commencing on July 1, 2024, to be used for any purpose or purposes now or hereafter authorized by Iowa law?
• Shall the Board of Directors of the Northeast Community School District in the County of Clinton, State of Iowa, be authorized for a period of ten (10) years, to levy annually, as determined by the Board, a voter-approved physical plant and equipment property tax not to exceed sixty-seven cents ($0.67) per one thousand dollars ($1,000) of the assessed valuation of the taxable property within the school district commencing with the levy for collection in the fiscal year commencing on July 1, 2023, to be used for any purpose or purposes now or hereafter authorized by Iowa law?
• Shall the Board of Directors of the Midland Community School District, in the Counties of Jones, Cedar, Clinton and Jackson, State of Iowa, be authorized to contract indebtedness and issue general obligation bonds in an amount not exceeding $9,200,000 for the purposes of acquiring, furnishing, equipping, constructing, and improving the School District’s school buildings and the sites therefore, including renovations to and expansion of existing elementary, middle and high school buildings on the District’s campus located in Wyoming, Iowa and Oxford Junction, Iowa to include updates and the remodeling of classrooms and office areas, new entrances, related improvements to address space and functional needs, parking lots, the resurfacing of playgrounds, roof replacement and other exterior improvements, energy efficiency improvements including the addition of solar panels, and other site and land improvements for the District’s campus?
Pre-Registration deadline for voter registration closes at 5:00pm Monday, February 20. Persons wishing to participate in this election who register to vote after February 20 will be required to provide proof of identification (i.e. current and valid photo identification card with an expiration date), AND proof of residency in their voting precicnt, when they go to the polls on election day, or when they request an absentee ballot in-person. Other provisions may also apply. Persons not registered to vote by February 20 should expect a longer processing time at the polls on election day.
Absentee Ballots will be available beginning Wednesday, February 15 as long as ballots have been recieved from the for mail and in-person voting. Download the absentee ballot request form here.
All absentee ballots must be received by 8:00pm on Election Day to be considered on time to be counted.
Extended hours are available for voter registration and absentee voting in the Clinton County Auditor's Office. In addition to regular hours of Monday through Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm, extended office hours will be as follows: