The Admin Building is undergoing remodeling. The main entrance will be closed. Please enter through the North door for all County business.

General Information

Visit the Iowa Secretary of State's website for general information including FAQs, nomination papers, filling deadlines and other useful information.

Candidate Guides

Campaign Ethics and Disclosure Board

For information about candidate's ethics and campaign filling responsibilities and deadlines visit the Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board.

Campaign Finance

Below you will find forms regarding candidate and committee information when running for office. For more information please visit the Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board.

Poll Watching

Candidates, political parties and organizations, and groups representing a side on a ballot issue may designate someone to be a poll watcher on Election Day. Poll watchers are allowed to observe the election process and challenge voters whom the believe are not qualified to vote.

For more information or to designate someone as a pollwatcher please view the documents below.

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